It's a supernatural animated-action series that follows a team of heroes who reawaken to fight an ominous force throughout eternity. When the reawakening of our heroes manifests in the bodies of new unsuspecting hosts, they must find a way to protect the world against the prevailing darkness.
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Eccentric billionaire Bud F. Gellerman IV he reigns over his two kingdoms: his beloved Alabama National Super Saints college football program and his multinational Tasty Twist Salty Sweet Pretzel snack empire.
he series is set in the mid-1980s, at the end of the Cold War. Red Ketchup is assigned the most perilous missions by the FBI, and he pulls them off every time. The sight of his hulking frame, red eyes and orange hair is enough to make enemies quake. He breezily and brazenly takes every risk to achieve his ends, usually causing heavy collateral damage along the way. The FBI regards him as a liability and sends him to distant lands hoping he will never return. But Red Ketchup always makes it back!
Judy Ken Sebben inherits her father's company, which would be great if that company weren't built around the most socially irresponsible 20th Century products. From the halls of the company headquarters, she assembles the ragtag Birdteam. Together, they try to undo all the luridly dangerous decisions of the generation before or contain the havoc of one of their own world-saving products gone bad.