Unfabulous is an American children's television series that aired on Nickelodeon. The series is about an "unfabulous" 7th Grade middle school student named Addie Singer, played by Emma Roberts. The show, which debuted in late summer 2004, was one of the most-watched programs in the United States among children between the age of 10 and 16 and was created by Sue Rose, who previously created the animated series Pepper Ann and Angela Anaconda.
Loren (Brittany Underwood) a smart, shy and independent high school senior who has ambitions of being a songwriter, secretly sends her song lyrics to her celebrity crush, rock superstar Eddie Duran (Cody Longo). Loren's wildest dreams come true when she not only wins a songwriting competition sponsored by Eddie, but strikes up a friendship with her idol. Eddie sees beyond Loren's potential as a songwriter and gives her a first break as a singer, and when the truth about his less-than-faithful girlfriend Chloe (Melissa Ordway) is revealed, Eddie and Loren's friendship blossoms.
Frankie Gaines looks like a typical teenager, but she's actually a cutting edge, experimental android who must hide her true identity to avoid being tracked down by the evil tech company EGG Labs.
2017TVGDrama, Comedy, Kids, Science Fiction, Other