The family comedy follows the hilarious union of two families with nothing in common. Engaged couple Sebastian and Ellie are yet to introduce their families to each other. While Ellie feels excited, Sebastian is anxious about the cultural divide between Ellie's ultrarich background and his humble origins. After planning a family weekend getaway, Sebastian invites his father, Salvo, to meet his in-laws. What follows is an exploration of why family matters above all.
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Three female African-American mathematicians provide crucial calculations for NASA's space race against the Soviets, all while dealing with the racist and sexist assumptions of their white co-workers.
Kate is a driven publishing exec visiting a summer resort with her boyfriend Eric. There she runs into Shep, an old high school friend and fellow camp counselor, who is now the Activities Director.
Julian Albans, the bully who left Beecher Prep, is visited by his Grandmère from Paris and is transformed by her remarkable story of compassion and courage. As a girl in Nazi-occupied France, the young Grandmère goes into hiding with the help of a schoolmate, a young man who risks everything to give her the chance to survive. Together, they find beauty and love in the secret world of their own creation.
The beloved Crawleys and their intrepid staff prepare for the most important moment of their lives. A royal visit from the King and Queen of England will unleash scandal, romance and intrigue that will leave the future of Downton hanging in the balance.
A young teenager named Mikey Walsh finds an old treasure map in his father's attic. Hoping to save their homes from demolition, Mikey and his friends Data Wang, Chunk Cohen, and Mouth Devereaux run off on a big quest to find the secret stash of Pirate One-Eyed Willie.