The offbeat adventures of 10-year-old Cricket Green, a mischievous and optimistic country boy who moves to the big city with his wildly out of place family – older sister Tilly, father Bill and Gramma Alice.
2018TVGFamily, Comedy, Action & Adventure, Kids, Other
Sitcom following the experiences of a goodhearted middle schooler and her protective single dad as they navigate the challenges of growing up. But in so doing, his mother, Judy, is reminded of his own antics at Sydney's age, and the parallels -- illustrated by comical flashback sequences starring a young Max -- are both amusing and enlightening.
A pair of middle-school siblings make nearly all of their decisions by crowdsourcing the opinions of their millions of online followers. Every day is an adventure in the Wrather's hectic household, which also includes their older sister Charlotte and mom, Jenna.
2018TVGFamily, Comedy, Tech & Gaming, Action & Adventure, Other