This three-part documentary series takes audiences back in time to the band's intimate recording sessions. Showcasing the camaraderie and creative genius that defined the legacy of the iconic foursome, it is compiled from 60 hours of unseen footage shot in January 1969. Also featured is the Beatles' last live performance as a group — the rooftop concert on London's Savile Row.
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An exploration of the lives of the School of American Ballet dancers as they navigate their training and the competitive world of auditioning for companies.
Host Robin Roberts welcomes some of Hollywood's most influential women for candid conversations about their careers, overcoming adversity, and the importance of feminism in contemporary culture. Discover their commonalities and learn how their stories and experiences created room for expansion and evolution.
The poignant and charming real world adventures of summer campers, ages 12 to 15, as documented throughout their three-week stint at Camp Highlander, located in the Blue Ridge Mountains of North Carolina.
2000TVPGDocumentary, Action & Adventure, Kids, Other
A unique team of adventurous divers and underwater filmmakers are joined by expert maritime archaeologists on the hunt for long-lost shipwreck secrets along the vast coast of Western Australia. Led by an obsessed pirate captain, the missions combine new evidence and archival research in an all-out adventure into the mysterious past in one of the most stunning places on Earth.
A behind-the-scenes exploration of the partnership between Disney and Marvel Studios as the production teams craft new television shows and worlds for various Marvel characters.