Mega Buzz: A True Blood Tragedy, Falling Skies' Hybrid and Sleepy's New Monster
Every week, senior reporter Natalie Abrams satisfies your need for TV scoop. Please send all questions to or tweet them to @NatalieAbrams
I'm sad that this is going to be the final season of True Blood. Do you have anything to make me feel better? — Carrie Yes, but it may not make you feel better. When the HBO drama returns, the Hep-V-infected vampires that were poised to attack Bon Temps arrive and the bloodbath quickly ensues. Unfortunately, the casualties are not just redshirts. In fact, one character's fate is so jaw-dropping that you'll spend the rest of the episode wondering if what you just watched was a dream. It's not, which clearly means all bets are off in this final season. Anything on Falling Skies? — Deon As the trailer implied, Tom and Anne's daughter Alexis has gone through some very interesting changes...
Wed, Jun 4, 2014