Inspired by the life and stand-up of star and co-creator Chris Estrada, "This Fool" is an irreverent, cinematic half-hour comedy set in working-class South Central Los Angeles. The show centers on Julio Lopez, a 30-year-old who still lives at home who has been dating his girlfriend on and off since high school and finds any excuse to avoid dealing with his own problems.
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In this reality competition, craft makers from all walks of life take on a series of projects. Over the course of each episode, the contestants must tackle a different theme, hand-making items in different disciplines — the difficulty of which increases with every episode until a winner is crowned.
Following the adventures of a bunch of nobodies who get up to a whole lot of nothing in the fictional prairie town of Dog River, Saskatchewan, Corner Gas focuses on the life (or lack thereof) of Brent LeRoy, proprietor of a gas station that is the only stop for miles around and a hub of action on the Prairies.
Parker Coppins, star of a popular YouTube gaming channel, offers comedic gameplay commentary on a variety of games. Some segments include "Scare the Heck Out of Parker," in which Coppins plays horror games, "Parker vs. the Fans," in which he plays one chosen by the fans, and "Parker's Virtual Reality," in which he delves into virtual reality games.