Comedy Showcase is a series of one-off comedy specials featuring some of Britain's fledgling comedy talent. Its format is reminiscent of the much earlier Comedy Playhouse. The format was replaced in 2012 by 4Funnies.
London's police force is in need of a public image revamp. And Chief Constable Richard Miller has found just the woman to do it...American visionary from the world of new media Liz Garvey, sets out to revolutionise the force's PR department just as an outbreak of violence erupts.
Dark comedy about the eccentric members of the Flowers family. Maurice and Deborah are barely together but yet to divorce. They live with Maurice's batty mother and their maladjusted twin children.
Comedy series that deftly gets to the essence of home and family through the eyes of Syrian asylum-seeker Sami. Their unexpected passenger is a bloke called Sami who hopes to claim asylum in Britain.
The stories of three gay men from Manchester unfold in this British series that inspired a successful American cable version. The storylines of both series paralleled each other for the first three episodes, after which the U.S. show went its own way.